
Create automatic relations between pages

Options See on

extensions string[]

The list of extensions this plugin applies to

[ ".html" ]
idKey string

The field name used to save the page id

typeKey string

The field name used to save the page type

foreignKeys record

The foreign keys per type (type => foreign_key)


This plugin is useful if you have different types of pages that are related. For example, let's say there are pages with articles and pages with authors. This plugin can relate the articles and authors pages automatically.


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import relations from "lume/plugins/relations.ts";

const site = lume();

site.use(relations(/* Options */));

export default site;


This plugin requires to specify the page types and their foreign key used to make the relation. For example:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import relations from "lume/plugins/relations.ts";

const site = lume();

  foreignKeys: {
    article: "article_id",
    author: "author_id",

export default site;

In the following example, there are some pages of type: article or type: author. The pages of type article include the relation with the author, using the foreign key author_id:

id: 1
type: article
author_id: 2

Content of article 1, by Laura

This plugin automatically creates the variable author for each article with the data of the author (1:n relation). To render an article including the author:

  {{ content | safe }}
  <footer>By {{ author.title }}</footer>

The plugin also creates the inverse relation (n:1 relation) and creates the variable article that is an array with all articles related to each author:

  {{ content | safe }}

  <h2>Articles created:</h2>

  {% for item in article %}
      <a href="{{ item.url }}">
        {{ item.title }}
  {% endfor %}

Multiple relations

You can relate multiple pages (n:n relation) from the same page using an array in the foreign key. For example, an article written by many authors:

title: This is the title
type: article
id: 1
author_id: [1, 2]

Content of the article

Customize the id and type key

By default, the pages are identified by the value of the type and id keys. You can change it globally in the config:

  typeKey: "kind",
  idKey: "slug",
  foreignKeys: {
    article: "article_id",
    author: "author_id",

Configure individual relations

You can use an object to configure individual relations. The available options are:

  • foreignKey (required): The key name use to set a relation (for example article_id).
  • relationKey: The key name use to store the relation (for example article).
  • pluralRelationKey: The key name use to store the relation if it's a multiple relation (for example articles instead of article).
  • idKey: The key name used to identify the entity (by default is id).
  • filter: A custom function to filter the related elements. It's useful when combined with the multilanguage plugin, to relate only elements not only with the same id but also the same language.

Let's see an example:

  foreignKeys: {
    article: "article_id",
    author: {
      foreignKey: "author_id",
      relationKey: "author",
      pluralRelationKey: "authors"
      idKey: "name",

In this example, the pages of type author have a custom configuration:

  • The foreign key is author_id.
  • The relation key is author. For example, the author related with an article is stored in the author key.
  • The plural relation key is authors. If an article has multiple authors, they are stored in the authors key.
  • The id key is name instead of id.