Migrate from Eleventy

How to migrate your project from Eleventy to Lume.

Eleventy is a great SSG with a big community. It inspired Lume, so if you have an Eleventy project and want to migrate to Lume (maybe it's not a good idea) or simply are familiar with Eleventy and want to see the differences with Lume, this short guide outlining the most important differences can help.


  • In Eleventy, the configuration file is .eleventy.js, in Lume is _config.ts.
  • To ignore files, prepend the filename with a . or _, or use site.ignore("filename").
  • To add a plugin in Lume: site.use(plugin()) (in Eleventy it is config.addPlugin(plugin))
  • To copy a file/folder in Lume: site.copy("img") (in Eleventy it is config.addPassthroughCopy("img"))
  • To add a filter in Lume: site.filter("name", filterFn) (in Eleventy it is config.addFilter("name", filterFn)).
  • To add a custom tag in Lume, use site.helper("name", helperFn, {type: "tag"}).

Template languages

  • In Lume, HTML files are not processed by default.
  • There's no support for Handlebars (.hbs) or Mustache (.mustache) files (but it would be easy to create a plugin for that)
  • Instead of .ejs, Lume uses .eta template engine.

Site build

  • In Lume, there isn't the concept of collections. To get a list of pages, use the search helper.
  • In Lume, all data files are _data.* or _data/*. In Eleventy there are different ways to place data, and _data/* is only used for global data.
  • To paginate in Lume, you have to create a .tmpl.js or .tmpl.ts file exporting a generator (more info). There's no way to do it using the front matter, like in Eleventy.
  • The event beforeWatch in Eleventy is named beforeUpdate in Lume.

11ty plugins

Serverless : Lume does not yet have support for server side rendering (but it's on the radar).

Image : There's the imagick plugin for that.

Cache assets : There isn't a plugin for that.

RSS : There's the FEED plugin for that.

Syntax Highlighting : There's the code highlight plugin and prism plugin for that.

Navigation : There's the search helper and nav plugin for that.

Inclusive Language : There's the Inclusive language plugin for that.

Things that Lume does and Eleventy doesn't

  • Process assets (like css, js or svg files).
  • Support for JSX and TSX.
  • You can search pages by any criteria, not only tags.
  • It's easy to add processors and preprocessors to do arbitrary things like manipulating HTML code using DOM APIs.